Monthly Archives: June 2010

From Tantalizing to… Pantalizing

Normally milestones are celebrated in a variety of joyous occasions. Parties are thrown, bottles of champagne are popped, “special edition” versions of items are released, or, if you’re the cast of The Hills, you’ll go to Costa Rica for copious amounts of alcohol and drama. According to an article the CS Monitor released today, the #600 issue in the Wonder Woman series will release a newly fashioned superhero to the world.

Meet the 2010 Wonder Woman:

Kidding…sort of. Here’s the actual 2010 version of Wonder Woman, in her all new pant-suited glory:

This comes as a really big change from the original Wonder Woman getup. It’s like watching Miley Cyrus growing up, only backwards.

Wonder Woman...before

Some things are still original about her outfit. I mean, she’s still got the original bodysuit underneath all that…pleather. DC has really done it this time with a celebratory re-design, because nothing screams “superhero” more than a sketch from Lindsay Lohan’s clothing line. According to J. Michael Straczynski, the new getup “reflects her origins in both the outside world and the world of Amazons: tough, elegant…a street-fighter’s look which also incorporates elements of her classic design . . . it reflects the two sides warring for ultimate victory, and underscores the path she must take.” Designed by DC Comics co-publisher Jim Lee, “it’s a Wonder Woman look designed for the 21st century.”

Honestly, I think this is less about toughness and elegance than it is about trying to make one decent role model for kids these days. Rather than simply kicking ass and taking names, the new Wonder Woman is still good-looking, less overwhelming in the sex appeal department, and has hair that even Tyra Banks can’t attain in a weave. The new Wonder Woman still has a body that’s comparable to Heidi Montag version 3.2, but dressed far more modestly than today’s entertainment industry standards.

That being said, I don’t think DC Comics necessarily did this as a rebuttal to fans asking the usefulness of her outfit – because in the past, a one-piece swimsuit was useful for spiking comic book sales in the ages 13-20 male population. Now that being scantily clad is the new trend, with celebrities simply letting body parts fall where they may (i.e. Britney Spears), I think DC Comics did this as a testament to their comic-book fan base; underneath all that material is the idea that you don’t necessarily have to be barely clothed to be successful.

by Jennifer Kearney

Calling all partygoers!

You may remember our previous entries about the 20th Annual Rodman Ride and Nickerson’s 2nd Annual Rodman Ride Fundraiser, on September 25th and July 28, respectively.

Well, Team Nickerson is looking for your help!

One of our first-choice venues for the 2nd Annual Rodman Ride Fundraiser, Post 390, is hosting another charity event on the same day as ours – so we’re looking for a new venue!

Any suggestions of fun, trendy, upbeat places in Boston – that can hold 200-300 people – would be greatly appreciated. We’re looking to close this for tomorrow, so we’re counting on our readers to help us out in our time crunch!

Thank you!

If Good Branding Goes Bad

By textbook definition, a brand is the identity of a specific product, service, or business. In a much broader aspect of the word, a brand is the personality of a company – and one of the most valuable components of successful advertising. Brands create expectations for consumers; the majority of individuals think that Polaroid still makes instant photos and that Wal-Mart has “low prices always”. Image Courtesy of the NBA and Brand New (2010)

As time goes on, companies have to keep up with trends and competition – and sometimes the solution can be found in brand re-imaging. Taking something so vast and vague like a “brand” and tweaking it to suit your consumers can have many different results– both good and bad. For example, doing research on only a niche market and altering your brand based on those results can position your company as catering to 7% of your actual customer base. Even things like changing a font can alter outsider’s perception of your company. Change from something boxy like Impact to something elegant like Commercial Script will convey a more poised image to your customers – if that’s the look you’re intending for your brand.  In a successful outcome, this overhaul allows for consumers to quickly identify the company’s purpose or specialty. Good re-branding also allows for consumers to be drawn to the brand, easily recognizing it by image or name – thus giving the brand more lasting power in a competitive market. But what happens when these changes aren’t for the better?

On Brand New, courtesy of Under Consideration, readers can witness the process of rebranding for various types of companies, as well as before/after photos and critique from both professionals and enthusiasts. From Melbourne’s train service overhaul to Wal-Mart’s sterilization of private labels, a lot can be learned from Brand New about “me too” brand identities, oversaturated colors, and finding the right balance in a new brand image.

Even if you’ve never ventured beyond Paint and WordPad, or if you’ve never taken a business course in your life, Brand New by Under Consideration helps bring out both your critical eye and your inner marketer.

By Jennifer Kearney